I'm Luke Johnson

I live and work in Vancouver, BC
I write about research and other interests here



2019–present: PhD, Biomedical Engineering (expected)
University of British Columbia

Thesis: “Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Modelling of Legg–Calvé–Perthes Disease”
Supervisors: Professor David Wilson, Professor Kishore Mulpuri

2014–2018: BA & MEng, Engineering Tripos
Jesus College, University of Cambridge

Concentration: Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: “Robotic manipulation of canine total knee replacement”
Class: Double 1st

Honours and Awards

2022–present: PhD Salary Award
Arthritis Society Canada (funded by the Stop Childhood Arthritis Initiative)

2022: Graduate Student Research Award – 2nd prize
UBC Department of Orthopaedics

2021: Graduate Student Research Award – 1st prize
UBC Department of Orthopaedics

2020: Faculty of Applied Science Graduate Award
University of British Columbia

2017 & 2018: Scholarship of Jesus College, Cambridge

2014-2018: Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Institution of Engineering and Technology


Journal Articles

Johnson L. G., Mozingo J. D., Atkins P. R., Schwab S., Morris A., Elhabian S. Y., Wilson D. R., Kim H. K. W., Anderson A. E. (2024). A framework for three-dimensional statistical shape modeling of the proximal femur in Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.

Johnson, L. G., Bortolussi-Courval, S., Chehil, A., Schaeffer, E. K., Pawliuk, C., Wilson, D. R., & Mulpuri, K. (2023). Application of statistical shape modeling to the human hip joint: a scoping review. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 21(3), 533–583.

Johnson, L. G., & Pawliuk, C. (2021). Application of statistical shape modeling to the human hip joint: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19(5), 1211–1221.

Manuscripts in review

Johnson L.G., Zhang H., Joseph B., Schaeffer E.K., Mulpuri K., & Wilson D.R. (in review) Anterior hip clearance in residual Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease.

Johnson L.G., Jones C.E., Rosenbaum D.G., Joseph B., Schaeffer E.K., Mulpuri K., & Wilson D.R. (in review) Early age-related changes to articular cartilage T1ρ in hips with Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease deformity.

Conference presentations

Johnson L. G., Mulpuri K., Wilson D. R. (2024). Patient-specific simulation of cartilage shear stress in highly apsherical hip joints: a pilot study. 19th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, July 30 – August 1, 2024, Vancouver, BC.

Johnson L. G., Zhang H., Jones C. E., Schaeffer E. K., Mulpuri K., Wilson D. R. (2023). Severe residual Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease deformity is associated with reduced hip clearance and cartilage health in adolescents and young adults. 17th International Workshop on Osteoarthritis Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 28-30, 2023.

Johnson, L. G., Mozingo, J. D., Atkins, P. R., Schwab, S., Morris, A. R., Elhabian, S. Y., Wilson, D. R., Kim, H. K. W., & Anderson, A. E. (2023). [Poster] A three-dimensional statistical shape model to describe clinical shape variation of the proximal femur in patients with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease deformity. 17th International Workshop on Osteoarthritis Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 28-30, 2023.

Johnson, L. G., Mozingo, J. D., Atkins, P. R., Schwab, S., Morris, A. R., Elhabian, S. Y., Wilson, D. R., Kim, H. K. W., & Anderson, A. E. (2023). [Podium presentation] A Three-Dimensional Statistical Shape Model to Describe Clinical Shape Variation of the Proximal Femur in Patients With Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease Deformity. 2023 COA/CORS/CORA Annual Meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada

Jivraj, B., Johnson, L. G., So, J., Tzoumas, N., Bone, J. N., Aarvold, A., Mulpuri, K., & Graeber, B. (2023). [Poster] The Lifetime Risk of Radiation-Induced Malignancy in Paediatric Cerebral Palsy Patients is Not Trivial: A Retrospective Cohort Study. 2023 COA/CORS/CORA Annual Meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada

Johnson, L. G., Miller, S. D., Rosenbaum, D., Wilson, D. R., & Mulpuri, K. (2022). [Recorded presentation] Digitally reconstructed radiographs to evaluate the effect of patient position on migration percentage. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Volume 64: Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine and the International Alliance of Academies of Childhood Disability, Abstracts for the Conference, 1–5 March 2022, Melbourne, Australia, 64(S2), 33–34.

Teaching Experience

2023-2024: University of British Columbia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Teaching Assistant

Held tutorials, lectured and supported student projects for the combined undergraduate and graduate level course MECH 435/535 (Orthopaedic Biomechanics) in the 2023–2024 academic year.

2019–2021: University of British Columbia, School of Biomedical Engineering
Teaching Assistant

Held tutorials, lab experiments and office hours for the course BMEG 230 (Introduction to Biomechanics) in the 2019–2020 and 2020–2021 academic years.

Professional Experience

2016: University of Cambridge, Surgical Discovery Centre
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme

Optimized a motion capture system for canine gait analysis for the University of Cambridge Department of Veterinary Medicine and undertook initial preparation for 4th year project (see above).

2013–2014: QinetiQ Group Plc
Year in Industry Student

Developed apps on Windows and Android for custom satellite information transfer using the Iridium network. Also took part in end-user training for asset-tracking devices, and outreach activities in local schools.

2012: Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH, Lollar, Germany
Work experience

Technical Skills

  • MRI research applications (sequence selection, optimization and troubleshooting; MRI safety)
  • Workshop and fabrication experience (rapid prototyping, woodwork, metalwork, automotive, etc.)
  • Software and programming (MATLAB, Python, ArtiSynth (Java), 3D Slicer, ShapeWorks, etc.)


2024: Arthritis Society Canada Training Awards Review Panel
Scientific Officer

2021–2024: Centre for Hip Health and Mobility/Centre for Aging SMART Trainee Committee
Member-at-large/Social Rep

2020–2022: UBC Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Research EXperience (REX) mentor

2017: Cambridge Hands-On Science Roadshow

2015–2016: Jesus College May Ball Committee
Head of Design