About me

I’m a PhD Candidate* in Biomedical Engineering at the University of British Columbia, with research interests including biomechanics, orthopaedics, and medical imaging. I have been proud to work at the Centre for Aging SMART, and the HIPpy Lab at BC Children’s Hospital.
My other interests include silly little cars, drawing and illustration, writing and recording music, and poking around at various tech things. I’ll be posting about some of these as I fill out this website’s content.
* Not for much longer! I’m defending my thesis in January 2025.
About this website
This website, alongside my single-user Mastodon instance, is hosted on a Raspberry Pi 4 underneath my bed. It was built using Hugo, a static site generator. This means no databases, no PHP, no tracking, no cookies, no GDPR, nothing! Just good old HTML and CSS served straight to your browser.
The site came about as a project after I had submitted my PhD thesis but before I knew when I was defending. I wanted something to keep myself busy, but with half an eye on promoting my work and my interests with a future career in mind. I’ve had great fun dipping a toe into setting up my own server and playing with Hugo themes, so I’d say it’s time well spent.
Why the jay?
I’ve always had a soft spot for corvids and their curiosity. I saw my first Steller’s Jay after moving from the UK to Canada in January 2019, and it’s been my absolute favourite ever since.
The woodcut-style jay icon in the site header was generated by Woodcut Wizard. The existence of a generative AI tool devoted entirely to 17th Century woodcut styles tickled me. One day I may create my own woodcut icon the analogue way.